Its All About Priorities..

Milton Simba Kambarami
Short. Sweet. Valuable.
2 min readAug 26, 2023


Choose Yourself…

Photo by 卡晨 on Unsplash

Growing up and maturity is all about knowing what to do and when to do it. Having the courage to say no to what is not important to you so you can focus on what really matters.

People will always try to drag you down to their level, they won't let you be free because it reminds them of a time they could have been free but they let other people decide life for them.

Freeing yourself reminds them how much of losers they are. At least they find peace in knowing they are dragging others too. They find comfort in knowing that they are with the masses.

In other cases its people who are thirsty for control. Some people can't just live their lives. They are too dependant on other people's lives they feel powerless if they do not have slaves to exploit.

With such people, you got to be very firm and stand your ground until they are tired, until they come to an understanding that some birds can't just be caged, but belong in the wild.
Where they are Wild n' Free.

But who are you not to be? Who has power over yourself? You gotta choose and you gotta choose now, that who is going to be your leader, that who you are going to follow.

Choose wisely!

