The Science of believing

Milton Simba Kambarami
3 min readJan 2, 2024


It can be melted down to the Primary Law of Vibration as opposed to the popular Law of Attraction.

Vibrations (Photo by Mike Lewinski on Unsplash)

Religion has been part of our culture, we tend to identify with it as part of us. It’s like a thorn in our flesh that most protect rather than pluck out. There was a time when religion could answer most of the incomprehensible questions about how the world works.

Nowadays most of what takes place can be answered through Science, and even more complex ideas can be built using principles gained from studying the nature of our environment.

Today I do not choose to write about Evolution vs Creationism, as would be expected from an Evolutionary Biologist, but I choose Physics to dig out what takes place when we believe or what we call having faith which most religious people might feel can not be explained using Science.

The Law of Attraction

If you are a wide reader, I guess you have read a book by Rhonda Byrne called The Secret or at least you have come across articles, videos or podcasts which are based on the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, that if you constantly think about happiness chances are you start to feel happy. However, the Law of attraction is a secondary law, which builds on it’s Primary Law of Vibration.

The Law of Attraction was more attractive (pun intended) because it is easier to understand but it leaves a void of who is in charge, a loophole the religious would not think twice to fill with the name of their chosen Creator.

It tends to say that you’ve to say a prayer and some entity answers you back. It’s less scientific compared to the Law of Vibration.

The Law of Vibration

If I were to put my hand under an electron microscope, at higher magnification I would see my hand in form of localised vibrational waves. What we see and comprehend using our senses can be fallacies.

In Physics it’s called dual nature of matter, where at some point as we go deeper to atomic levels, down to quantum levels, matter behaves like particles as well as waves.

When waves are localised at a certain point, they form a particle, which explains why I said viewing a hand under an electron microscope would be viewed as a localised wave-like organ. So everything we saw may it be a tree, rock or car, it’s still localised waves.

Waves of the same frequency interact with each other; you could say there is a strong attraction between waves vibrating at the same frequency. The opposite is also true that waves vibrating at different frequencies repel each other.

Our brain acts as an antenna which interacts with the universe to send and receive waves of a certain vibrational frequency. Thoughts determine the vibrational frequencies the brain transmit and receives from the universe.

Answered prayers, Belief, Faith or Affirmations tend to shift the brain’s focus to think about what the believer is hoping to achieve. The brain transmute those thoughts into waves of a specific vibrational frequencies into the universe.

Whatever in the Universe which has the same vibrational frequency (vibe) in accordance to the sent vibrational frequency is then attracted to the individual. So if you sent happy vibes into the universe, you get back happy vibes. We are even attracted to or we tend to socialise with people whom we vibe with.


The Law of Attraction builds on the Law of Vibration. The Law of Attraction is popular because it is easier to understand or to explain compared to the Law of Vibration.

However, if comfortable with the Science involved, the Law of Vibration is the most scientifically accurate way of understanding Power of Thought.

